5 Simple Steps To Create A Peaceful Morning Routine

How you start your morning influences your whole day, so having a good self-care morning routine is essential to set the right tone from the start.

What you do first thing in the morning plays a crucial role in how the rest of your day will unfold; it helps create momentum so you feel productive and focused, it influences your mood and energy levels, and helps reduce stress and anxiety.

The key to a good morning self-care routine is to focus on cultivating a sense of inner calm and peace before you do anything else.

So let’s see how to properly start your morning:

(This list does not include obvious steps like brushing your teeth, or washing your face, etc…)

The 5 steps to create a morning routine:

1. Take your time to wake up.

You don’t want to feel stressed and in a rush right from the start. 

Instead, you want to really take the time to wake up while still in bed, and focus on feeling calm and peaceful before getting ready for the day. For this, you can take a couple of minutes and focus on mindful breathing, to connect to your body and your inner self, so that by the time you leave your bed you can start your day already feeling peaceful, centered, and connected.  (This is really the most crucial point.)

2. Stay away from screens

You want to stay away from screens (and any other stressful activities) for as long as you can. Instead, you should really prioritize focusing on yourself, and turning your awareness within so that you can really harness this sense of inner peace and alignment before turning your attention to external matters. 

3. Check in with yourself

Check in with yourself and notice how you feel. This allows you to know how to approach your whole day. How does your body feel? How does your mind feel? Is it a good day, or a low-energy day? Not all days are equal. Some days you feel at the top of the world and bursting with energy, and others you feel sluggish and exhausted. That’s perfectly normal. 

For this, you can estimate an energy percentage to help you estimate what to expect from yourself. 

4. Figure out your needs and goals 

Now that you have your energy percentage of the day, you know how much energy you can afford and set realistic needs and goals that align with your energy level. This will give you clarity and help you plan your day effectively, without making it overwhelming.

5. Drink water and eat a nutritious breakfast 

About water

Hydrating your body properly is important. And you want to start first thing in the morning. 

For this, you can have a bottle or glass of water on your nightstand ready for when you wake up, or you might prefer to wait and have warm lemon water, instead. It doesn’t matter which.

Just aim to drink at least one full glass (or two) before breakfast. 

About breakfast

Breakfast is certainly a divisive topic. 

Breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day, but everyone is different, and so is their body. What benefits someone might not benefit someone else. 

Some people need breakfast and proteins or they won’t be able to function and be productive, while others don’t. It really depends on the individual. (Personally, I’ve always had a sharper mind when I don’t eat in the morning, yet feel sluggish when I do, so yes, it’s really different for everyone.) Just focus on what works for you, and don’t listen to other people. Your body knows best so listen to it and what it needs. 

But if you do eat breakfast, try to aim for a healthy and balanced meal that will help you be focused and alert, and avoid mid-morning energy crashes (brain fog, fatigue). 

Also, don’t rush your meal. Take your time to chew slowly and focus on the tastes, and the textures. Be mindful instead of mindless with your food. 

    Activities (optional)

This last step is an optional one because it really depends on what your morning schedule looks like. 

For many people, adding activities to their morning routine is not realistic. People have busy lives and busy schedules and kids, so working out for one hour every morning, going to the gym or a run, or even just journaling, is not feasible. 

But if you have time for it, starting your day with activities you enjoy (exercise especially) will increase your dopamine and serotonin levels and improve your mood.

If you don’t have time during the week, maybe try it during the weekends or on your days off, when you are not in a rush and have more time. 

Some good morning activities ideas:

  1. Journaling 
  2. Morning pages
  3. Reading
  4. Yoga
  5. Cooking or baking
  6. Morning walks 
  7. Going for a run

Last Tip: 

If you ever need a quick energy boost in the morning, opt for a quick cold shower, or put on your favorite tune and dance. This will boost your endorphins and dopamine levels and help you start your day feeling energized.

Final word

That’s it about the 5 steps to create a morning routine.  

So if you often start your days feeling stressed, overwhelmed and or in a rush, there’s a way for you to fix it and improve your mornings. 

Assess your current  morning routine, and notice which part could require a little change so that you can start your day feeling calm and centered instead of stressed and overwhelmed, 

The key is to really focus on taking your time and connect to yourself. That’s the most important part of the whole morning routine. Avoid the stress and the rush. Don’t allow the external world in until you feel calm and centered. 

I’m curious to know what your morning routines look like and what works for you, so don’t hesitate to share tips and whatnot in the comments. 

And remember to take care and be kind to yourself. You deserve it!

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