Mindful Spending: 5 Simple Habits To Save Money

Mindful spending is the opposite of mindless spending. Instead of purchasing anything you want and desire without really taking the time to consider it, mindful spending is the total opposite. You take the time to observe and analyze how you’re…

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Soft Discipline: 10 Habits To Avoid Burnout

Soft discipline is about being kind to yourself while you’re striving forward. It’s about being disciplined in a healthy way that won’t be harmful to you in the long term and push you to your breaking point. There’s a difference…

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Financial Self-Care: The 5 Key Habits

The goal of financial self-care is the reduce financial stress. Whether we like it or not, in today’s world finances are one of the most primordial aspects of our life. Many people like to pretend money doesn’t make you happy,…

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10 Fun Habits To Enjoy a Happier Life

Having fun is the perfect way to balance the unpleasantness of the daily grind.  Having fun makes life happier and more joyful – and it only takes the addition of a couple of habits and activities here and there to…

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How to create a stress-free home in 5 simple steps

Your home is meant to be your ideal sanctuary; the place where you find comfort, relaxation, and peace. Unfortunately, for many people, their living spaces contribute to their daily stress more than actually alleviate it.  So making sure your home…

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